Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Waiting to be able to sign up for Pinterest...

Friday, February 3, 2012

White Tattoo

And the location:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Handy Things

  1. Using mint tins to contain small things (I already do this for bobby pins, but can also use it for push pins, thumbtacks, etc.
  2. Binder clips for wires (specifically my phone charger wire)
  3. A safety pin pinned to the hem of a skirt to remove static cling 
  4. Single use packs (for traveling!) 
  5. Hosiery over Hairbrush!
  6. Stain remover (I need this...)
  7. Emergency ingredient substitutions
  8. Which spices go with which foods
  9. Photography cheat sheet 
  10. Unclogging drain with vinegar and baking soda  
  11. Magic erasers = Melamine foam 

Printing on Paper Bags and Fabric

This basically requires taping down the flap and taping closed the open end. Easy!
Found at The Gunny Sack

AND printing on fabric! Found at Rustic Interiors

Cheesy Mushroom Bread

This looks amazing. From Beantown Baker.